Welcome to the superficial page of "Because you do"! A short film project by me, Arnold Friend!A French homeschooled student living in Boston Massachustes with his foster parents! I'm just like you and you're just like me in less than 3 ways than 5 x 3.
School gets tough and it doesnt help that i have 8 extra curriculars and am head of a leadership program, but it'll all be worth it when I get into my dream college! I hope... >W<
This site was made to keep track of my progress, as well as pace myself and watch myself grow into the developing artist I am!.
For now, it is available only online.
Please take a stroll, and mind the grass will you!
My hobbies:
Eating crayons, crying in reverse, hidding in my closet, baking bread, doing handstands (sometimes without hands), basketball, cricket, putting out fires, Thai massages, chewing grass, etc